Friday, December 10, 2010

I Want An A

I should be eating my late night snack or at least sleeping, but instead I'm moved to blog. I hear people say all of the time how the spirit moved them to do something or the Holy Spirit was nudging them. Well, I think I may now be one of those people. Let's rewind three and half hours. I sat down to do this new bible study I started. I'm really trying to focus, commit and block out my distractions (TV, Facebook, internet, phone, etc.). I ignored my text alerts then the phone started ringing. For some reason I answered this call. So, now it's three and a half hours later and three phone calls later and I'm thinking and praying about something. Before I begin to read my bible, I say a quick prayer. It goes something like Holy Spirit come into my presence. God, create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit. Speak to me and give me wisdom through your words. Amen. Because I believe that nothing just happens or happens by coincidence, then I must believe that God is speaking to me and the spirit is moving me with these thoughts.

My mama didn't raise a quitter, and she didn't raise me to just be average. How many lectures do I remember her saying, why settle for a B and not study when you can study and apply yourself and make an A? And my response: if I don't have to study and can still make a B, then why should I study? Many years later, I get it. You gotta work at some things. What feels good or comfortable is not always our best. You have to push yourself to bring out the best in yourself. Let me get back to running. Every runner wants to be faster. But being faster doesn't just happen. You have to work outside your comfort zone. Speedwork sure isn't easy. I mean really, who wants to do exhausting repeats to the point that you're ready to vomit? But if you don't give up and push past that point of pain, you'll realize on race day that you finished faster, stronger and maybe even set a PR (personal record for my non-running readers). My point is that God wants our best and he wants what's best for us. We can exist and be fine with a B or we can push towards getting that A. Since running my half-marathon, I've been so-so about running. But this week I made a new training plan for myself. I did it because I needed a plan to follow with some clear goals. Mama's message is now loud and clear, and my response at age 30-something is: I'm not a quitter; I'm committed. I've been running for a B, but now it's time I run like that A student. 

The spirit is really on me about some things in my life. I pray, but am I praying continuously. I read the bible, but not every day. I love, but am I forgiving? Being a Christian and being a runner ain't easy. You can't expect results from either if you are not putting in the time and following the plan (God's word). Ephesians chapter 6 instructs us to put on the full armor of God, to stand firm and to resist the devil. As a runner, I put on my "runner's armor" for every run. You won't find me running without my technical clothing, running socks, running shoes, IPOD and Garmin. So, I have to ask myself the hard question, why do I not put on God's armor daily?

Remember Paul's instructions in Romans 12:2 to renew your mind. A renewing of your mind requires putting on God's armor. To me, running is 30% physical and 70% mental. If your mind isn't focused and controlled, your run will suffer. Where the mind goes, the body will go.  I think the spirit was leading me tonight to the conclusion that I have some commitments to make and some commitments to honor. It's not about perfection, but persistence. I don't want just a B when I can attain an A. My new commitments:
  1. I need to be a good steward over my finances. I mean really how many pairs of shoes must a girl own and did I really need to purchase that Coach bag on Sunday J!
  2. I'm going to PR on my 5K on December 26 so I must do speedwork!
  3. I need to get up earlier in the mornings. Earlier days are more productive and I'm less likely to skip a workout on a non-running day.
  4. I need to stop skipping my second weight training day during the week.
  5. I need to read my bible every (most) day.
  6. I need put on God's armor every day.
  7. I need to pray continually and in the spirit.

    Gratitude Journal:
    I'm grateful for the word of thankfulness that I've been reading.
    I'm thankful for hot tea.
    I'm thankful for my Carolina Girls.
    I'm thankful that God allowed me to love such and imperfect man.
    I'm thankful God hears my prayers and knows my needs.
(I just realized I used the word thankful instead of grateful ~ the spirit is still moving). Be Blessed and run harder!

Monday, November 15, 2010

13.1 Lessons I Learned

I did it! I did! By God, I did it! I'm so excited I ran my race and kept the fight! I can't describe the feeling of the race. On race morning, I was just really ready to do it and see what I could do. Everything started off good but as fate would have it I did get a little upset stomach – not enough to make me stop or anything. It was just enough to be annoying and also keep me from really taking my jelly beans at mile four (as practiced and planned) and throughout the race. If you run, then you understand the "stomach issues" that accompany distance running. So, I needed to be cautions because I was not leaving the course for anything. I had a really good run until around mile 8 or 9. This race prides itself on the hills and the great UPHILL finish. At mile 8 or 9, I was running up this street that was nothing but incline for about a ½ mile and that's where I had it. I was like get me off, get me through sweet Jesus. This street was like the energizer bunny. It just kept going and going and going. Now, I've run this twice in my training runs and I knew it was tough but I was not mentally prepared to tackle this. After I finally made it up and to the water stop, I ran a couple of slower miles. I found a little more energy, but by this time I was at the big finish. Tired and thirsty I pushed through the last bit. Finishing was crazy! I don't really remember anyone around me. I heard cheers and saw the clock and the finish line, and everything else was a blur.
I am pleased (more than pleased) to say I ran a half marathon. I did not stop (really). Now, I did do this little run, walk, walk, walk, nah girl keep moving thing twice on the finishing hill. But, I was like NO, you can not stop and I put my butt back in gear. In one year, I went from 0 miles to 13.1 and that's progress. It's determination. It's effort. And, it's perseverance. And, in a nutshell, that's life. It takes effort to live a good life. It takes perseverance to take the uphills, the downhills, the flat areas when life seems to just be moving along and then you run into twists and turns and uncertainty. Training and running this half marathon has taught me a few things I want to share:

13.1 Lessons from My Journey
  1. Black Girls Rock and Black Girls RUN!
  2. Set goals and aim high. You can't let yourself be your own worst enemy.
  3. Put one foot in front of the other and just keep moving.
  4. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 (KJ)
  5. You can pray and praise God anywhere. I had a few moments along the race course on Saturday.
  6. Maintain a spirit of gratitude. Be thankful for each day, each opportunity and each experience.
  7. Running friends are Awesome. Some days you have to push someone, other days you are the one being pushed.
  8. No run is a bad run. It's an opportunity to do better.
  9. ICE heals things. You have to cool things down so the healing process can begin.
  10. I LUV to RUN, but I hate getting up in the mornings.
  11. Completing this half marathon makes me want to set more goals.
  12. It's a great feeling to say I DID IT!
  13. The encouragement and support from friends and family is priceless.                               
  .1) Life is a journey full of the unexpected. You can choose to quit or you can choose to keep running. Endure and persevere because God has so much more in store. I believe that's the key to faith building. It ain't over until it's over! Thank you Maurette Clark Brown. That song played on that mile 8 or 9 hill.

Forgive me because I forgot my Gratitude Journal on my last post.

Gratitude Journal

I am grateful for family.
I am grateful for my friends at the finish line and running beside me to the finish.
I am grateful for Massage Envy.
I am grateful for online shopping.
I am grateful for my devotional time.
I am grateful I ROCK!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Faith To Do

It's race eve and all week I've had mixed emotions ~ nervousness, excitement and anticipation. I know my body is in great shape and I'm running well. My achiness is pretty minimal and my concentration seems good. Everyone I know is encouraging and wants to see me do well. Now it's up to me to channel my energies and make my body do what I KNOW I can do. I've been struggling with believing I'll meet my goal. I fear public failure. I've caught myself a few times saying things like I hope I'm ready or I hope I make my goal time. I hope I can run the entire race without having to stop or I hope my legs are going to hold up and don't cramp on me. Today it dawned on me, why am I settling for just hope? Where is my faith? I've been hoping for a good outcome, but I haven't truly believed it by faith.

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."(NIV)

Hebrews 11:1

Yes, hope is necessary but faith without works is dead. Hope produces faith and faith is the belief (the knowing) it shall come to pass. In 14 weeks, I've come a long way in my running and spiritual journey. I praise God for all he's shown me, and what he's yet to do. I've worked through long runs, hot and humid days, sudden cold mornings, dogs, torrential down pours, stomach issues, foot and shin pain, and the enemy attacks on my mind. I really wanted to quit a few times but I always managed to get it together and either get it done or make it through. I made it through my training. I made it through the hardest Saturdays I ever experienced. I made it through the Wednesday Tempo/Mile Repeats/Ladder workouts. I made it up the hills when my body wanted to stop. By God, I made it! As I look back on the past weeks of training, I see why I fought so hard with my mind. It's because I lacked faith. I've been hoping I can do it and hoping I can finish. But now, I'm not just hoping, I have faith. My hope produced faith, and my faith strengthens what I believe. By faith, I receive it and I believe it; I'll run a great race on Saturday. I can't wait to get to the finish line! That's called living with expectancy.

Live in Faith, Walk in Love! (I borrowed this quote)

Monday, September 27, 2010


WHOA! It's been way too long since I blogged. But, my life has been a little hectic for the past several weeks. I've literally been RunDown ~physically and mentally. I took some rest days, ran my long run of 9.75 miles (I claimed 10 miles) on September 11th. Ran again on the following Monday and took another six days off. During those rest days, I started to get very discouraged. I did get my doctor to sign off on physical therapy and the first therapist I saw was a bit arrogant and not a very good listener. He told me my ankles have too much mobility and I'm probably not made for distance running. Perhaps I should just shoot for 10Ks. Then he told me, that I'm too slow. For my fitness level, I really should be running about 8-9 min/miles. OK, needless to say I left that office with no intention of returning, but he did get into my head a little bit. I did find another PT who's started working with me on some strengthening and stretching and some wave and laser treatments. My response has been pretty good. The pain in my shins are gone, but I still have some soreness in my lower ankle area after my runs. So, I'm going to work hard in PT and continue stretching and icing and on Nov 13 I will be completing my first half-marathon.
Ok, so let's fast forward a few weeks and let me give you the real news, the best news. I AM A RuNNER GiRL! OK! I'm in the double-digits. Yes, yes, YES. On, September 25, I ran 11.5 miles, and it felt great. It's cool to say yeah, I ran 11.5 miles on Saturday (Hee-Heee). I'm really proud of myself and my accomplishment right now.
Like I said earlier, there has been so much going on lately. I've been in a funk. I've been so tired lately and my legs always seem to bother me. It's been getting me down about this upcoming race. Two Sundays ago, I caught a sermon on the radio, and the minister talked about the need to renew your mind. He gave some points about controlling your thoughts and how negative things can creep in and discourage you, and that we have the power to control what we think about. Renewing your mind takes effort. It's work to fight off negativity and discouragement. I literally have to stop and say not my will, but Your will. God, what am I being led to do or what are you speaking to me right now? And, when I remove the clutter, he does speak to me. I only hear him when I choose to listen.
Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Renewing my mind is a constant act of will on my part. Running 10 miles is easy, compared to controlling my thoughts and trusting God's got my back. But just as He would have it, when I'm frustrated or things are getting the best of me, He shows up. Just today I had two reminders of why I should maintain a thankful heart. His grace is sufficient. I believe that.
Grateful Journal
I'm grateful for the lessons in life - big or small.
I'm grateful for my mother.
I'm grateful for my mother-in-law.
I'm grateful for my health.
I'm grateful for a renewed mind.
I'm grateful for clean sheets on my bed.
I'm grateful for a good night's rest after a little talk with Jesus ~ he always makes it all right.
Today, I challenge you to renew your mind. Let go of the little things that in the end don't matter. Cherish the time you have with those you love. Forgive those who hurt you or disappointed you in any way. Life is too short and too full of things you can't change. You can't make up for time you lost being selfish. Purpose your heart to love and respect people. God created us to love each other. It doesn't matter what someone else does or doesn't do, but it matters what you do and how you respond. Respond in love ~ it makes all the difference.
Stay tuned for my update on my 4-mile easy run in torrential rains!!!! I'm a RUNNER for sure........

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


OK, so I had to follow my own advice, listen to my body, and take a REST break. and right now everything below the knees are straight tripping. Six days and no running and I'm tripping. I didn't even get to do my first track workout on Saturday (tear, tear, long sob). Week 3 was indeed a beast and the hill workouts just stressed my already tight gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantar fascia ~ in other words, the big calf muscle, the deep one underneath the big calf muscle and the bottoms of my feet. Hills are stressful because the require muscular strength and you have to change your running gait just a bit to overcome the incline. You can not run anywhere in this city without three or more hills. And guess what? I picked the hilliest, first half marathon I could find. YAY! ME! This race prides itself on the hills and the big one at the 12-13 mile finish which I did run(without stopping) prior to everything locking up on me. But, this is just a little set back. I just have to change up my strategy a little.
I had one of my bi-weekly appointments with my chiropractor today for some soft tissue work and I'm awaiting a call back from my orthopedist so I can go back to physical therapy. YEP! I love my great insurance. Without it, where would I be (probably a couch potato or on the elliptical reading a book)? And, because I have this great exercise science background, I know what to request in my treatment course. So, doctor's nurse please call back first thing in the morning. I know it was a holiday Monday and all, but I need to get moving on my PT eval and treatment plan. I can't stop running.... I told you guys earlier that runners are crazy and this is more than a sign that I'm a real runner even if I haven't hit my double digits yet.
I'm about to heat and stretch before bed and I'm actually going to run in my compression sleeves tomorrow morning. No speedwork or hills, hopefully just a good run and a very good long run on Saturday ~ no less than 8 miles.
Grateful Journal
I am grateful for graham crackers with cream cheese and strawberry preserves.
I am grateful to see my mom turn 61 and still no wrinkles.
I am grateful for family.
I am grateful that I don't need to be right all of the time.
I am grateful that I can still see the good.
I am grateful I'm learning how not to sweat the small stuff ~ it just doesn't matter.
I am grateful for my running group.
I am grateful for prayer.
Today's inspiration comes from a blog I read over the weekend and I fell in love with the acronym P.U.S.H. (Pray Until Something Happens). Jesus said in Luke 18:27 "What is impossible with men is possible with God." I'm praying ya'll. I'm praying for healing, health and strength, my family, financial blessings, and my friends and the desires of their hearts. And where two or three are touching and agreeing, God will show up in the midst. Let's pray ya'll! And, I'm going to run on too. Lacing up the Brooks, it's going to be a good run!

Monday, August 30, 2010

I Ran 8 Miles on Saturday!

I made it to the 8 mile mark ~ only 5.1 more to go right! RIGHT! I’m excited and I can’t believe that from September 2009 through August 28, 2010 I went from running 1/8 of a mile to running 8 miles! Who would have guessed it? Certainly not me. When I started in September, all I wanted to do was run a 5-K and now I’m going to run a half-marathon. I’m stoked right now and I’m really looking forward to my (first) 10-mile run. Running 10 miles will make me feel like I’ve really crossed over into being a runner. It’s something about saying, “yeah, I did 10 miles on my long run this morning.” I can’t wait! Runners are crazy you know. We eat, breathe and live for running. I have practically changed my whole life for running. It’s no longer about what I want to do or what I feel like doing. It’s about what I need to do because I have to run in the morning or I ran today. I go to sleep with thoughts of my next good run.

Only for the Love of Running Will I:

  • Wake up at 5:30 a.m. and actually get up at 5:45 a.m.
  • Get my hair done the night before and then go run 8 miles.
  • Run even though my legs are sore.
  • Run with my legs in Hot Pink KT Tape (athletic tape).
  • Sit in an ice bath for 10 minutes.
  • Iron up all my clothes for the work week.
  • Give up my lazy Saturday mornings.
  • Run through the streets and love it.

Running started out as something to do, just a goal of mine, but it's become much more than that. I'm having a love affair with running. I'm spending time, nurturing and really learning about the sport. I've moved past like to love and from being in love to loving unconditionally. See, unconditional love means I accept the good and bad runs, the aches and pains, the changing weather conditions, the up hills, the downhills, the good and the not so good days. I love running so much that I let it interfere with my hair and I don't even get upset. Unconditional love sets no boundaries~ it just is. Love is more than just saying those words. Love is an act of will~ a sacrifice of unselfishness. Sure, I would love to sleep late in the mornings and not be drop dead sleepy by 8 p.m. but I've made a commitment and a sacrifice for the thing I love ~ running.

Gratitude Journal I am grateful for internet service. I am grateful for cute shoes. I am grateful for a good shampoo and blow out. I am grateful for a good flat iron. I am grateful for re-runs of the Golden Girls. I am grateful for God's unconditional love.

I woke up this morning and the following scripture came to my mind. Meditate and let it be a blessing to you today.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. "Hebrews 11: 1

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Power of Gratitude

I started the gratitude journal because I liked it on another blog and thought it was a really neat idea. Today, I received my daily email from and the topic was the Power of Gratitude and instantly I thought about what I'm thankful for today, and it confirmed for me the reason I decided to start ending my blogs with a gratitude journal. Gratitude means a feeling of thanks or appreciation. Being grateful means you can appreciate life for what it is and what you have~ not the things that aren't going right or you don't have in your life at the moment. Finding gratitude in the everyday things means I can find joy in everything ~ I can praise and thank God through all of my circumstances. Gratefulness, gratefulness is flowing from my heart (it's a verse from a song I used to sing on the church choir). Being thankful and expressing gratitude is another way I choose to honor God.
"give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Here are some ways to start practicing gratitude to improve your well-being:

  1. Keep a gratitude journal. At the end of each day, write down 3-5 things from the day you feel grateful for. Simplicity is key. Your baby’s smile, a perfect sunset, the train arriving on time, or your best friend’s laughter. Relish the feeling you get when remembering and writing it down.
  2. Express your gratitude. Take the time to share your feelings. Not the simple, polite thank you, but the heartfelt emotions. Tell your friend how her support and sense of humor helps you get through tough times, and how much it means to you. Don’t take your loved ones for granted. Let them know how much you love them and why.
  3. Look for what is right about a situation, not what’s wrong. Sure you’re frustrated by the bus being late, but thankfully you have an understanding boss. Service at the restaurant is poor, but you are lucky to afford an evening out surrounded by good friends.
  4. Practice gratitude with your family and friends. Although you may not say grace before a meal, encourage each family member to report one thing that happened that day that they feel grateful for. When you hear a friend moaning and complaining, challenge him or her to find the hidden opportunity or silver lining to the situation.

Excerpt take from article :4 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude -- By Ellen G. Goldman, Health and Wellness Coach
Gratiitude Journal
I am grateful for a fresh perspective.
I am grateful for my new salad spinner.
I am grateful for being able to see the forest despite the trees.
I am grateful that weeping only endures for a night and joy comes in the morning.
I am grateful for my talks with Ms. D.
I am grateful for my experiences.
I am grateful for new life.
I am grateful for cheesecake and coffee ice cream.
I am just grateful I can be grateful.
Psalm 100 - a psalm for giving thanks.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 2 Tempo, Hills and Long Run

Week 2 was hard~physically and mentally. My legs were really taking a beating by Thursday and I was just tired. I was tired but I felt good if that makes any sense. I finished my second Saturday long run with my new running group and ice bath number 2 and I feel good. There is something to be said about running. I still hate, dread, despise getting up at 5:30-5:45 am but once I get started I'm good. Saturday was one of those days that I really enjoyed my run ~ it was fun. It felt good pounding the pavement, running ALL around town and tackling a few Mt.Everest type hills. There's nothing like a good run (and a cute purse and maybe some cute shoes and oh yeah getting your hair done too) to make a girl feel good.
Last week we did a tempo interval run, hill repeats, and a long hill run and you better believe my legs took a beating. But, my body and my endurance will be better because of it. Tempo runs push you out of your comfort zone. Hills make you work hard and push to get up. Together, they develop a mental toughness that is necessary to go the distance.There's a lot to be said about mental toughness. Sometimes it's hard to stay focused when your mind starts to wonder or you're just plain tired. But, I can't give up. Even when I'm miserable, I have to keep going.
Now for Week 3 of training - lot of miles on recovering legs. My legs feel little tight and banged up, so I'll be foam rolling, stretching and icing. I picked up some BioFreeze today so I'm going to try that to. My physical therapist used it during my treatments. So, we'll see....
Longest run yet is schedule for Saturday ~ 8 miles. And, my training plan has the nerve to say Long Tempo Run. That means warm -up for 2 miles, 20 minutes tempo, then cruise and cool down for the next 4 miles. Please pray for me folks.
Grateful Journal
I am grateful for a clean bathroom.
I am grateful for a good run.
I am grateful for an ice bath.
I am grateful for grapes.
I am grateful for my ability to love.
I am grateful for air conditioning.
I am grateful for the ability to pay my bills.
I am grateful for the new blog I found on Sunday.
I am grateful that I can still see the good thru all of the bad.
I am grateful that I can be grateful.
I'm praying this scripture this week: “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 NLT

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My First ICE Bath and Week 1 Training Recap

OK! I did it. I took my first ice bath last week and I liked it. NO, I’m not crazy but it really was not that bad. I got a tip from a Facebook friend that I should start by filling the tub with lukewarm water, get in, then slowly add the ice cubes. Of course, it was a shocker when I first put the ice cubes in and the first minute seemed like an hour, but after I got use to the water. I chilled out and read my book and soaked for 10 minutes. I don’t think it was as cold as it should have been because after about five minutes the water really started to loose the “chill”. I think I should have used colder water. All in all it was a refreshingly cool bath.

Why would I sit in a tub full of ice and water?

The ice bath is thought to:

· Constrict blood vessels and flush waste products, like lactic acid, out of the affected tissues

· Decrease metabolic activity and slow down physiological processes

· Reduce swelling and tissue breakdown

Did it really work? I believe so. The next day, I was not sore, and I’m starting to notice more flexibility in my hamstrings and calves as opposed to the tightness I’ve had.

Will I do it again? You bet, I can’t wait to take the plunge again this week.

By the way, I’m a little behind on my blogging, so a quick recap for the week:

1) First official week of Half Marathon Training started this week. I skipped my Monday run and opted for some cross training instead.

2) My first Saturday group run was a challenging experience, but it’s good to push myself beyond the flat trails of the park. I literally ate, iced and passed out Saturday afternoon.

3) Zensah compression socks feel so go and they work…… I swear I’ve been wearing them for a week now and my calf soresness is 75% reduced and I don’t get the tight feeling as much during my runs.

4) Realized the monstrous number of calories I need to consume just to keep up with my energy needs and not waste away. I can not afford to lose anymore weight. Missing the 3lbs of my Black Girl Booty L.

5) My hair is just blah L ……salon, workout 2x, ponytail. I feel like the girl in the Dr. Miracle's commercial, “Ooh, Girl”.

My Gratitude Journal

I’m thankful for Sunday worship services.

I am thankful for a fresh relaxer and bone straight edges.

I’m thankful for the valley experiences.

I’m thankful for my braces 20 years ago.

I’m thankful I can smile.

I’m thankful I can count it all joy.

I’m thankful for Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Training 13.1 and Gratitude

It's official! I signed up for the 13-week training group for my half marathon. I'm excited and ready to run (I think). The biggest benefit of joining the training group is running with other runners, water stops and training tips. I've been preparing for my training all summer, so August 8th kicks off the training week. I have my training tools and I'm ready!
Training Tools:
(Semi-New) Brooks Running Shoes a
Garmin Forerunner (Never leave Home without it) a
Zensah Compression Socks a
Massage Stick a
Daily Motivation a
A fellow blogger ends every blog with a gratitude journal and I think that's an awesome concept. I think Oprah started something similar years ago. So, today is the start of my of my gratitude journal.
Gratitude Journal
I am grateful for my mom and her giving spirit.
I am grateful for the support from my sister circle.
I am grateful for my health and peace of mine.
I am grateful for the opportunity to get a 15-minute massage at work!
I am grateful for having a reason to smile.
I am grateful for my ability to hope and trust.
I challenge you to start a gratitude journal to reconnect and think about the things that matter in your life. It doesn't have to be long but just 2-3 things that you can say Thank You, Lord.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Why would you let anything stop you from what you have the ability to do?

“Why would you let anything stop you from what you have the ability to do?”
Quiet Strength, Tony Dungy

I read this question in a book and it’s a great question to think about. “What stops us from doing things we have the ability to do?” Fear, pride, failure, humiliation and laziness all come to mind. But fear is the strongest motivator for not doing something, not trying and not continuing. We give up sometimes way too soon because we are afraid of being pushed out of our comfort zones. We’re afraid to try and we give up when it get’s too hard. It’s only during the hard times, the struggle, that you get stronger. It’s just like the exercise principle of overload. You must add more resistance and overload the muscle in order to gain strength and hypertrophy (muscle growth).

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

I’ve been hesitant to share my big decision out of fear; fear of the unknown and fear of my own weakness. Reading the passage above motivated me to not let fear stop me from doing what I have the ability to do. I plan to and I will run my first Half-Marathon (13.1 miles). I’ve been afraid to say it and reluctant to commit to it, but I am going to do it.

November 13 will be the day that I run 13.1 miles.

Fear is a crippling thing, which holds us from our God given potential. Fear causes us to give up on things we want, our hopes and dreams, people and relationships. The enemy fills us with doubt and insecurity but that’s not God’s will at all for our lives. Faith and fear contradict each other. When your body is tired and your mind feels heavy and your heart is overburdened, just think about the overload principle. You get stronger with added resistance. Push past the fatigue and the pain because there is a far greater reward. Where there is faith there can’t be fear. This I know.

Fear is not going to stop me from what I have the ability to do. Running 13.1 miles is not easy and I will definitely be pushing myself past the pain, the fatigue and my self-imposed limits. I’m committed to the goal and I have faith that I will finish. I’m letting go of my fears and claiming what I have a right to because God gave me the ability and the saving grace to succeed.

Follow me on my journey of self-discovery. I’m stepping out on faith and claiming my victory.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Whew! I think I’m really tired. I’ve been working out a lot this week and doing weird things with my sleep habits. Like, going to sleep at 9 p.m. then waking up at like 1 am and up until 4 a.m. fall asleep and the alarm is going off again at 5:30 a.m. Dang, it’s making me tired all over just thinking about it. Hopefully, I’ll pull of this little weird thing I’ve developed this week. Needless to say, I haven’t really blogged this week. There’s lots on my mind, so I’ll just pick a random thing to blog about. Hmmmmmmm, running has been good this week. My legs seem to not be as sore. I hate when I change too many things at once and I can’t figure out what really is the “it” factor or is it really just a combination of things. My formula for my working on my legs has been yoga class, lots of stretching and water throughout the day, lower leg strengthening exercises, compression socks, and my wonderful massage stick. So, I’m starting to feel minimal discomfort in the mornings and that’s a VERY good thing. Workout Update: Operation Train the Trainer is on Track I have been in kick butt mode--- running, yoga, weight training, stretching AND I just had my first (paid) Tennis lesson tonight. How was that you ask? I think it was ok. I find I require a little bit more instruction. It's difficult entering a multi-level class and not having basics covered right up front. But, I'm up for something new and I've wanted to really learn how to play for years so I'm sticking with the next 3 lessons, and I'll let you know about the re-up later.
Since I've been so off with my sleep, I really need to call it a night. Gotta get those miles in tomorrow morning. I've set the goal and now one foot in front of the other, I'm going to reach the goal.
Quote for the Day:
"It has been said that we get good at whatever we practice. Coach (Tony) Dungy practices proactive faith. This faith is not a mimmick or magic or the will of a strong mind. It is not a short-order request to receive what we want when we want it. Proactive faith is receiving everything that has been promised to us by God's Word for His purpose and in His timing. "
-Quiet Strength, Tony Dungy with Nathan Whitaker

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Things I'm Loving On

Over the weekend I started this list of things that I am totally enjoying right now.
1. Redbox $1 Movies – OMG! How simple and how cheap for a movie. Just swipe your card,select a movie and enter your email address and a movie comes out of the slot. Best of all, you can return it to any Redbox in the area.
2. Cupcakes from Publix – mmmm, a delicious treat!
3. And, ME………….

Loving me is probably the most powerful affirmation this week. I’m at that thirty-something point in my life when I’m evaluating my career, family, friends, and my general purpose in life. I had a conversation with myself the other day (Yes, I talk to myself. It’s a result of being an only-child), and I thought out loud, “Do I really believe the things that I tell myself?” I think about all those feel good things I say to negate the doubt and insecurities that have a way of creeping up in my mind. I stop and remind myself, guard your heart and watch what infiltrates your mind because you’ll start to fixate on those things. I know there is a scripture somewhere; I’ll have to look it up later. As I started to blog tonight, I started thinking about that conversation with myself and what I believe and why. These thoughts were sparked from recent conversations with friends and so I decided the third thing on my Things I’m Loving On List would be dedicated to ME.

I love me for so many reasons, but the most important reason is because God created me—and he certainly broke the mold. I love my imperfect self. See, perfection is something I’ll never attain. But, in my imperfections, I stand to gain much. It’s in my imperfections that I have to reach, to stretch, to push, to confront and ultimately to Grow. My imperfections set the stage for my self expectations. They encourage me to want and to try to do better. Some see imperfections as weaknesses, but I see them as opportunities and blessings. See, God gave us a miraculous thing when he gave us grace. Everyday you have breath is a day to work on your imperfections. It’s an opportunity to thank God for the beauty of the mess. I’m reminded of a part in the book The Shack by W.M. Paul Young. The main character is meeting and conversing with God. They take a walk to work in this garden. Once they’re finished, he looks around and responds, "it’s mess." But, God responds yes, and it’s perfect. Lightbulb Moment! God sees the finished garden as a purposeful, perfect mess. Ding!Ding!Ding! The garden is like my life—a perfect mess. My imperfect self is the garden. And, it dawns on me as I’m blogging my thoughts, this is the meaning of living on purpose. Examining your mess, your imperfections, and purposing your heart to live better, do better, worship better, love better and just be better.

At this moment, I’m loving me even more than I did yesterday. Tonight, when I say my prayers, I have even more to be thankful for. I better understand living my purpose. In the words of Steve Harvey, “Don’t trip because God ain’t through with me yet!” And, he’s not through with me yet. I have to grow still and listen and live each day purposefully wonderful giving thanks and praise because it’s only by his grace that I’m saved and I have another chance~ to do better.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Operation Train the Trainer

Ewww, my muscles ache right now~~ my back, my neck, my triceps, and of course my legs. I'm having a love affair with my ice packs. I go through withdrawal if I miss them for a night. And, all of this in the name of health and wellness. I really do question myself at times. I laugh at my self some mornings because I get out of bed and take a few steps to see if anything is sore or achy. I have to feel my body out to see should I stretch right away or can I get dressed first. I guess this has become my life and it seems I wouldn't have it any other way especially, since this week I made two big decisions. I can't share the BIG decision with you until after August 8th (ooh, the suspense, I know), but the little decision is to issue myself a fitness challenge. I need a little more accountability--- so the trainer in me needs to kick my own butt. I need to treat myself like those I train. Write out my goals, plan and schedule my workouts and just do it. The first week of this great idea, I skipped my run on Wednesday morning for lack of sleep (and felt horrible), but I hit the gym hard that evening. I guess that's why I'm so sore right now. My Goals for the Next Four Weeks - (1)Yoga (2x per week)- This is a new committment, but my body is so tight and these achy legs are wearing me down. (2) Weight Training (2x per week) - NO EXCEPTIONS! For some reason, I tend to skip my end of the week workout about every other week because I just don't feel like doing it after my run. (3) Core -(strengthen the core) - A strong core makes a strong and fast runner. Friday's plan: 4 Mile Run Weight Training Circuit - 3 sets of 8 - 10 reps Coreboard Push ups, Kettelbell Plank Row, KB swings, KB Squat, KB Deadlift, KB Clean and Press, Leg Raises) And hopefully a lunch time Yoga Class So, I guess I better stop blogging and get some rest because I have a pretty heavy morning ahead of me...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Running My Race – It’s Not How You Start But How You Finish

Welcome to my blog! I’ve finally taken the leap to become a blogger. I am a self-confessed shopaholic! I love a deal and anything cute! And, I love to RUN (sometimes, maybe ~I think)! My blog is not about one specific topic but things that are passionate and important to me or things that just happen to be on mind. Running has become a motivator and release in my life. It’s one of those things I never thought I’d do--- but I guess never say never. As I think about running and my new found commitment, I think about the many life lessons that I'm learning. There are days when I just really don’t feel like running. I get up at 5:45 or 6 a.m. to subject myself to four, five, or six miles and for the entire run I'm thinking what am I doing? Some days I feel like I can't muster the strength to even get started and some how I do and I finish my goal miles for that day. A few weeks ago in bible study I heard something that sparked me to think about the comparison of my running and my spiritual life. My teacher said you have to press on and it’s not how you start this thing, but it’s how you finish it. If you know anything about running or racing, you’ll understand it’s really all about the finish. On training days, you want it to be over. On race days, you want to finish and finish with a good time. In February, I decided to run a 10K. This was my second race ever and my longest(6.2 miles) in my short running career. I remember every mile and every hill I had to climb ---I swear it was at least 20! I had to walk a few times and I had to encourage myself to keep going. Everything in me wanted to quit and I cursed myself for signing up for this because I knew deep down I wasn’t ready. But, I kept on. I pushed past my limits ---- no matter how uncomfortable and hard it felt. I kept going. And at the end, I finished strong with that final kick across the finish line. I remember that last 1/4 mile and every thing hurt. I wanted to quit but then I realized how close I was to the finish line. I heard cheers and the finish line was in my sight. No walking and no giving up for me. My legs seemed to take on new life and I picked up my pace and ran across that finish line strong. Wow! I'm glad I didn't give up because finishing the race was worth the struggle. I accomplished what I thought was impossible. Mile three was the hardest. I stopped several times and I really thought about going to the emergency station to quit but I didn't and I'm so glad I pressed on. Well, life’s trials are a lot like running a race but in life you can’t see the finish line. You know that it's there but you can't see it or even predict how long it will take you to get there. Each day, each challenge and each struggle are much like the miles in a race. You press on. You learn to lean on faith and trust God to carry you to a strong finish. And when it’s all over, you feel much like the end of a race. Thank you God, I didn't give up ~ I finished.
On my runs I often pray and talk to God. I’m finding strength in my running, and in life. My trials are much like my race, and I’m going to keep running determined to finish strong. Trusting and believing, I'm going to run on and see what the end will be. This is a little heavy for my first blog post, but today it was on my heart and my motivation. Hopefully, I’ve inspired someone to run on.